lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010

Hamburguesas de merluza

Estes patties son muy ricos. Puede usar cualquier pescado blanco pero merluza es lo mas facil y barato.

500 g de merluza
2 papas grandes, cortado
Cibulet, cortado fino
Finlandia queso
Sal y pimienta
Aceite de cocina

1. Hervir las papas hasta cuando son cocinados
2. Cortar la merluza en pedazos de 2 cm y guardar
3. Mezclar con cibulet, queso, sal y pimienta
4. Anadir las papas y pisar todo un pocito
5. Hacer 'hamburguesas' con la mezcla, con harena para juntarlos.
6. Freir en aceite muy caliente, 5 minutos cada lado, hasta cuando las hamburguesas estan croceantes
7. Servir con limon o una salsa de queso finlandia, cibulet, limon y pimienta

martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Salmon with cream cheese and chive potato mash

This is dedicated to my friend Katie who loves salmon! I made this in Newcastle where salmon is relatively cheap, just before exams for some brain food. serves 2

2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
Handful of chives, finely chopped
250 g cream cheese
2 tablespoons of milk
2 large potatoes, peeled and chopped
2 fillets of pink salmon
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
Salt and pepper

1. Boil the potato with salt
2. In a bowl mix half the chives, half the cream cheese and all the garlic
3. Spread this over the top of the salmon fillets and place in a preheated oven, at medium temperature (about 200 degrees centigrade. Roast in oven for 10-15 minutes or until you can see the salmon has turned a lighter pink colour
4. When the potato has boiled, drain the water and mashed well. Add the milk and seasoning.
5. To tie in the flavours add the rest of the chives and cream cheese to the mashed potato
6. Serve the salmon and mash together for some wonderfully comforting brain food!

Clams with sweet potato mash

This is one of Fede's creations! It is so simple and unbelievably tasty if you can splash out for the clams. For 2 people.

2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
2 tablespoons of cooking oil
4 tablespoons milk
12-16 clams, washed
Half a lemon's juice
Handful of parsely, finely chopped
1 large sweet potato, chopped and peeled
1 large potato, chopped and peeled
Salt and pepper

1. To start, boil the sweet potato and potato with seasoning
2. When the potatoes are very soft, drain them and add butter, milk and more seasoning.
3. Keeping the mashed potato mixture hot, fry the garlic gently. Then add the clams and lemon juice. Cook until the clams have opened, about 2-5 minutes. Add a bit of butter and stir in to make a rish velvety and fishy sauce.
4. Serve the clams around the mashed potato including all the sauce and shells!


Sopa de pollo a la crema

Este es muy sencillo y con un gusto frances. El clave es el vino! 2 personas

2 dientes de ajo, cortado fino
1 cebolla grande, cortada en dados
Unas hojas de apio
2 muslos de pollo
caldo de pollo (500ml)
media botella de vino blanco (un poco dulce)
150 ml crema

1. Freir el ajo y cebolla por 5 minutos en bajo fuego
2. Anadir los muslos con sal y pimienta hasta que la piel es un poco tostada
3. Anadir las hojas de apio
4. Anadir el vino y hervir. Es importante a poner mucho porque es este que da la sopa su sabor. Hervir en bajo fuego por 10 minutos
5. Anadir el caldo y hervir por 20-30 minutas mas.
6. Apagar el fuego y anadir la crema, revolviendo la sopa lentamente.
Servir lo con pan y una copa de el miso vino! Es muy rica y muy facil!